Prince William Supervisors Propose Zero Increase to Residential Tax Bill

Will increase peripherals tax rate on data centers


From The Wheeler Report: April 21, 2023

Dear Neighbors,

As you can see from the Chair's Calendar below, it's been a busy week. In the midst of all these wonderful events, the Board of Supervisors met to "markup" the County Executive's proposed budget, which the Board will vote on adopting next Tuesday.

In the CXO's budget recap, projected revenues were higher than expected, allowing for a further reduction in the real estate tax rate from $1.03 to $.966 instead of $.977. This new lower rate allows for a zero increase (yes $0) in the average residential tax bill for the first time in over 15 years. In addition, the Board is proposing additional revenue from increasing the data center peripherals tax rate to $2.15, the maximum that was advertised. When this Board took office the rate had been $1.25 for 20 years. It has been raised gradually to this year's proposed rate of $2.15.

The higher projected revenues and increased data center peripherals tax rate allowed for an increase in the proposed compensation for our Fire and Rescue, Sheriff's Office, and Adult Detention Center personnel, as well as Public Safety Communicators. This was the year where the board focused on strengthening our internal workforce and we will achieve that with next week's budget adoption.

We are grateful for all that has been provided Prince William County in order to support our staff and our community.

In Service,

Chair Ann Wheeler

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Prince William County, Board of County Supervisors, budget, budget markup, tax rate, revenues, zero increase, tax bill, real estate tax, residential tax, peripheral tax, data centers, $.966,